ManufacturerCoffee capsule systems for NESPRESSO
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Nespresso coffee machines have been delighting coffee lovers for over 40 years. The CitiZ, Essenza Mini and Pixie capsule machines by Nespresso are available in a range of versions.
Founded as a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A., Nespresso is now a major brand in the global coffee market. Nespresso’s capsule machines produce the perfect espresso quickly and easily. Prefer a cup of coffee with milk foam? The Lattissima or Atelier coffee machine make it easy to make various latte recipes such as cappuccino or latte macchiato.
While there used to only one Nespresso system, the launch of Vertuo introduced a new capsule system. The Vertuo system differs from the original system by its larger and round coffee capsules that contain a barcode. The Vertuo Next machine scans the barcode of the capsule and prepares your coffee with the ideal water temperature and quantity. This allows you to prepare six different sizes of cups from more than 25 different coffees at the touch of a button – from ristretto and alto to double espresso and a 535 ml carafe to share with friends and family.