Shutterstock/Yuliya Evstratenko

25 reasons to have kids

Katja Fischer
Translation: Veronica Bielawski

Sleepless nights, temper tantrums and never-ending discussions about the smallest of things. Is having kids really worth it? You bet it is! Why? For a million and one reasons. Here are 25 of them.

Children are exhausting. Being a parent even more so. I’ve said as much in previous articles. My brutal honestly has left a trail of disillusioned readers – child-free ones as well as new parents. I like to read the comments as tongue in cheek. Perhaps with a tinge of reproach.

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It’s high time to shine a light on the positive side. That is, that despite the stress and exhaustion, kids make life so much more beautiful. Mind you, I’ve made sure to emphasise this in the past, but the many perks of having kids have finally earned an article of their own.

1. You always get the warmest of welcomes

No matter how crappy your day was, you know that open arms and sparkling eyes are waiting to greet you at home. Admittedly, you work hard for them. But you’d willingly clear a mountain of laundry the height of the Burj Khalifa. Anything for a slobbery kiss from your child.

2. Your inner child can roam free

Be it building sandcastles, playing with Lego or jumping in bouncy castles, you won’t garner any weird looks for joining in with your kid. On the contrary – not only are you allowed to join in, you’re actually expected to. With maximum enthusiasm.

3. Kids keep you young

Sure, your sleep deprivation is no secret thanks to the thick dark bags under your eyes. Even so, children keep you young, forcing you to stay active and up to date. You’ll know all the names from Paw Patrol by heart, be au courant with the latest school gossip, masterfully navigate playground slang and know all about the latest in teen fashion.

4. You always have an excuse in stock

Not in the mood for your employee’s farewell drink? Just can’t get excited about your neighbour inviting you over? And the last thing you want to do is take on more responsibility in the theatre club you’re a part of? With a child, you always have a good reason to cancel. Everyone knows kids are always getting sick, that getting enough sleep is a must, and that your kids drain you of all your energy simply by existing.

5. Kids boost your self-confidence

Children give you superpowers – or at least a proper dose of courage and self-confidence. It makes sense. After all, if you can make it through the day with children, there’s nothing you can’t do!

6. Kids create connections

Children are the greatest proof of a couple’s love. At the same time, they’re the biggest stress test. No one understands the expression «partners in crime» better than parents!

7. Kids are the harshest critics

«Your hair looks like shite today!» You’re bound to hear something like that sooner or later. Or that dinner tastes terrible and the family trip was a waste of time. When it comes to their thought and feelings, kids aren’t ones to beat around the bush. They’re not being cheeky, just mercilessly honest. And honesty is the best policy, right?

8. Kids create indescribable joy

Creating life feels miraculous. It opens a new dimension of love and an unprecedented feeling of happiness. This sounds super cheesy, but it doesn’t even come close to capturing the intense feeling. Only those who have experienced it for themselves will understand.

9. Kids teach you true love

While we’re on the topic of love: it doesn’t just get deeper, you practically explode from the sentiment! Only when you have children of your own do you experience true love, which is boundless and unconditional. Be honest, how many people in your life would you jump off a cliff for?

10. Kids force you to stop and smell the roses

The deep white of daisy petals, the sound of bees buzzing about, the smell of freshly mown grass... With children by your side, you go through the world with open eyes, ears and nose. You get an expensive mindfulness workshop free of charge.

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11. You’re never alone

It can be stressful not to have a minute to yourself. But most of us don’t like being truly alone. With children, you never feel lonely.

12. You’re never bored

Ah, boredom. Remind me, what does it feel like? You can go ahead and delete it from your vocab. With children around, there’s always something to do. And if not, the kids will surely find a way to turn everything on its head.

13. You can take a trip down memory lane

With children around, you can always indulge in your own childhood memories. Be it family trips, games or recipes, you’ll find yourself reviving things from your own childhood.

14. You finally understand your own parents

You may find yourself unconsciously repeating your parents’ old habits and adages to your own children. Chances are, even those you found most annoying as a child. All of a sudden, they don’t seem so absurd anymore. On the contrary – you finally understand what your parents meant. And you realise they were right.

15. Kids make you smart

Children have a thousand and one questions. Why’s the sky blue? Who was the first human? Why are zebras striped? They question things you take for granted. You can’t avoid learning new things if you want to provide answers.

16. You know everything will be alright

Even if your life’s not going to plan and everything seems to be going wrong, you know it’ll all work out. In a way, we all know it will – but sometimes we get lost in trivialities. Having children forces you to focus on what matters and have a fundamental trust in life.

17. Kids teach you that less is more

A simple hug from your mini-me can be enough to spark joy. Or a little hand grabbing hold of yours as you walk.

18. You’re showered with «I love yous»

Adults are scant when it comes to handing out compliments and expressions of love. Children, on the other hand, throw them around in an almost inflationary quantity. It feels great. You never get tired of hearing «I love you».

19. Kids are funny

There’s nothing funnier than a children’s joke told by a child, even if it’s only because they’re rolling around laughing themselves. Even after the tenth repetition. They do say laughter is the best medicine. I can confirm that a child’s laugh certainly is.

20. They’re the sweetest lil’ thangs when asleep

Even after getting on your nerves to the point that you’d deport them to the moon if you could, by the time you see your little ones sleeping peacefully in their bed, all is well again.

21. Babies smell heavenly

You can’t beat that newborn smell. In fact, science says that a baby’s smell acts like a drug in women’s brains.

22. Kids treat everyone equally

Kids don’t care what another person looks like, what their job is and what they do in their free time. They approach others favourably and without bias. We could all do to take a leaf out of their book.

23. Kids force you to start the day early

Sleeping in is no longer an option. How annoying is that?! Very – sometimes. But for the most part, getting up early is actually a boon; you get a lot more out of your day and life.

24. Kids are the best long-term investment

Children are dang expensive. According to a calculation by the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich, raising a child costs between 1,300 and 1,800 francs per month, or around 18,500 francs per year. But I’ll let you in on a little secret: there’s nothing better you could spend that money on!

25. Kids give your life direction

Your life plan is by no means locked and bolted when you have kids. Instead, they act as a kind of golden thread. This is by no means restrictive. On the contrary, it’s liberating.

Header image: Shutterstock/Yuliya Evstratenko

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