News + Trends

Spotify gets a new design - it reminds of TikTok

Livia Gamper
Translation: machine translated

The streaming service is rebuilding its app. Spotify's homepage will soon have video suggestions for scrolling. There are also some other innovations.

At the Stream On event, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek announced the biggest redesign of the music app yet. The streaming service wants to be more than just a music player. That's why the app's homepage will soon feature a scrolling feed of video suggestions - as is already the case with TikTok and Instagram.

This is the new homescreen

Open the Spotify app and you'll soon see short preview videos. They replace the previous home screen with the favourites tiles, these will only be displayed at the top. The homescreen becomes a home feed with videos and pictures of your favourite artists, new music, albums and podcasts. Like TikTok or Instagram, you scroll vertically to see everything from new videos to singles, albums and playlists.

Mit Videos: So wird der neue Startschirm Spotify bald aussehen.
Mit Videos: So wird der neue Startschirm Spotify bald aussehen.
Source: Screenshot Spotify

The preview of the video clips is determined by Spotify's algorithm. When you start scrolling down, you will only see videos on this home page feed. You can add them to your favourites or watch them in full length with one click - and discover new artists. Sharing or saving is also possible.

In the feed, it will also be possible to discover related music genres and similar artists via hashtags - a feature that many subscribers have requested, according to Daniel Ek. It is also meant to help discover new music.

That Spotify is now focusing on videos on the home screen is not surprising. After all, apps with short videos - first and foremost TikTok - are increasingly determining how users discover new music.

The music app is also intended to help users discover new music.

The music and podcast tab remains

On the top of the new home screen, as before, the music and podcast tabs are displayed, where you can sort by category. If you press on one of the tabs, the discovery feed with videos will appear again for you to click through. Only at the top you can still see the suggested music mixtapes and podcasts.

Die Kategorie-Tabs bleiben, darunter kommen aber auch Videos.
Die Kategorie-Tabs bleiben, darunter kommen aber auch Videos.
Source: Screenshot Spotify

With podcasts, all artists are also given the opportunity to provide video podcasts. Until now, only those who use Spotify's Anchor platform were able to do this. With this, Spotify is probably trying to catch up with Youtube, which recently expanded its podcast division and is now focusing on video.

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This is what else is new on Spotify

In addition to the revamped home screen, the streaming service has announced a few other new features: There are even more videos, namely on musicians' profiles, where they can now embed 30-second videos. There, they can show personal insights or, for example, the background of a song. The function is called Spotify Clips and is intended to strengthen the possibilities for interaction between fans and artists.

Further features are available on Spotify.

In addition, podcasts will in future have chapters with time information for jumping back and forth. There is also a new "Smart Shuffle" function. With this, you can add song recommendations to existing playlists.

Not a word was said about the expansion of the HiFi offer. Spotify promised this a while ago, but it has not yet been implemented.

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The update with the redesigned app will be rolled out for premium and free accounts in the next few days. Spotify does not disclose an exact schedule by country.

Spotify survey

What do you think of the new Spotify design?

  • I like it!
  • No thanks, Spotify should stick to music.
  • I don't use Spotify anyway.

The competition has ended.

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