HP Tilt Pen MPP 2.0

HP Tilt Pen MPP 2.0

Questions about Tilt Pen MPP 2.0

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The HP Tilt Pen MPP 2.0 is not compatible with the HP ProBook x360 435 G7.

- Official support of the HP ProBook x360 435 G7 is limited to the "HP Pro Pen G1" active stylus, and there is no mention of MPP protocol support.
- It has been confirmed that the MPP 2.0 pen is not compatible with the ProBook x360 435 models.

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Unfortunately, I couldn't find a suitable tip in our range. Our recommendation is that you contact HP directly: https://support.hp.com/ch-de/contact?source=google&channel=cpc&adcampaign=OLS-CH-de-Goo-Pmax-Alliance-MSFT-JS-Cons-nomatch&addisttype=x&kw=&adid=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsoe5BhDiARIsAOXVoUsOSQxx8ScEXUyIv9-Wtk8E8wZNVRrCJOh2DPvErFghmKV_rlQsOLIaAtejEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
However, the question remains in the Community, perhaps another member has a suitable product.