Razer Kiyo
4 Mpx
Razer Kiyo
4 Mpx
Not "automatically", maybe I need to do some research... It doesn't turn on by itself when I wake the closed laptop with the mouse, Windows Hello is desperately searching for my face. On the monitor, I now use a 4-digit PIN when logging in, which is quickly entered on the number pad of the large keyboard.
Yes the camera itself is compatible with macOS (running on 10.15.4 here), but not the software from Razer. I don't really like the camera because you can't adjust anything manually and the automatic settings are often really bad (dark picture, not in focus, etc.). Software for MacOS could have helped here.
USB A And no, there is software, but it does not combine images. But you can easily do that with OBS Studio.
In my view, this is certainly a sensible purchase. The built-in ring lighting ensures that the images are consistently illuminated regardless of the ambient light and the resolution does not unnecessarily burden the files with large amounts of data. Here's to a good 2024
This is not done by the camera, it is done by the app that provides the transmission - e.g. MS Teams (and yes, this works... actually it doesn't matter with which camera).
I don't see that with my Razer Kiyo. The picture is very good. I would try it on another PC/laptop. If the result is the same, I suspect a defect in the webcam.
Hello I use this webcam with an M1 Mac under Monterey. It should therefore also run under High Sierra. According to Razer >Leopard.
So, I don't know if I understand the question correctly. The camera is a camera that has a USB connection and also needs this together with the PC or laptop to transfer an image. With a laptop 👨💻 in one hand and a camera in the other, you could ... but I don't think you want to do that. ;)
You do not need software, just the driver. Should be fine on Windows and Macs