Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
I bought the BenQ PD3200U and had hoped to use the PbP feature to display 2 inputs of 1920x2160 next to each other. Unfortunately all I got were two small pictures of 1920x1080... Leaving half the screen unused. Does this screen manage 2 1920x2160? It would be a great feature for me. From the description, you can show two pictures... but would that be two or four at 1920x1080 or would it also be possible to get two at 1920x2160?
The brand does not specify the possible resolutions in PiP mode unfortunately.
But with the EIZO software, you should be able to easily manage power consumption, colour, brightness and other settings for a single display or a multi-display configuration.
You can find it on the brand's website.