Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
It is well known that these monitors have poor built-in speakers. Unfortunately, in the case of the smaller EV2785 model, in addition to the poor sound, the speakers also have the characteristic that they emit a constant low noise at volume 0. Is this also the case with the EV3285 model?
I use the monitor together with the Surface Pro7. The Surface's fan is definitely louder, the speakers don't make any noise for me. I can also confirm that the sound quality is very modest. But the speaker quality was not a purchase criterion for me.
The speakers are not very good and only moderately loud. OK in a pinch. You can only hear the noise if you bring your ears very close to the speaker. It is no longer audible at a distance of about 30 cm. I work almost exclusively with headphones. Here you can hear a hissing noise with every picture change. This disturbed me a lot. That's why I connected a DAC Box E from Pro-Ject via USB and connected the headphones to the DAC Box E. This works perfectly, but only for headphones. This works excellently, but only for headphones.
The colours of the monitor are good for office work. The sharpness of the picture is very good. The main strength is that the picture is flicker-free. This makes it very pleasant to work with this monitor. I would not want to do without this monitor.