Das einzige Buch, das Du lesen solltest, bevor Du Deinem Kind einen Namen gibst
German, Life & education, 2024Product details
It's a decision that accompanies our children throughout their lives - which is why many parents-to-be find it incredibly difficult to choose a first name for their baby. Now there is the ultimate book that everyone should read before choosing a name for their offspring. Not only does it list the most beautiful girls' and boys' names from A to Z, it also gives suggestions for long and short names. Stories are told about names that are suddenly trendy again after 100 years and names that never go out of fashion. Those that mean "sun" or "beauty" - and also about those with extremely unpleasant backgrounds.
Language | German |
Author | Life & education |
Number of pages | 272 |
Book cover | Paperback |
topic | Family + Partnership |
Year | 2024 |
Item number | 49763965 |
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