Rank 5 out of 6Testmagazin7 Kaffeevollautomaten im Test 2023: Cappuccino, Espresso & Co. – erlesenes Aroma per TastendruckReleaseJuly 2023
"good" to "very good" quality of the individual specialities (aroma, crema, etc.)
"good" quality of the material & material composite
moderate power consumption
effortless usable
Quick & easy to use milk system (LATTEperfection system)
User experience could be improved with a screen
Rank 7 out of 8Stiftung WarentestKaffeevollautomaten im Test - Brühen, genießen, sparenReleaseNovember 2022
Neat. Five drinks can be selected. Milk foam fine-pored and very soft. Easy to clean, but no indication from the supplier as to which parts are dishwasher-safe. Descales in 23 minutes.