Rank 5 out of 12Stiftung WarentestKaffeevollautomaten im TestReleaseDecember 2024
Mediocre. Scored satisfactory in the espresso tasting, only sufficient in the cappuccino tasting. The espresso from the hot machine is very hot. Very easy to operate. Seven drinks can be selected directly, 15 more via the menu, including hot water. The attachable milk jug and other parts are dishwasher-safe. With compartment for instant coffee.
All specialities can be personalised (aroma, temperature, volume, etc.)
excellent quality of the specialities (in terms of aroma, crema, foam, etc.)
the model is easy to use from unpacking & connecting
Really moderate sound emission from the 100 % ceramic disc grinder
What impression did the Philips Series 5500 make during the four full weeks of excessive use in our home? We illustrate this here, but leave it at the essentials. We will go into much more detail about what the model can do. One thing was already clear during unpacking: That Philips has given its model a really appealing ensemble of materials, which makes the Philips Series 5500 appear much more sophisticated...