Rank 7 out of 13Stiftung WarentestHeizdecken im TestReleaseDecember 2024
On the sofa with a blanket? When it's rainy and cold outside, there's one thing that's even better: a heated blanket on the sofa! Cosy, soft and solidly sewn, it provides cosy warmth at a low cost. However, some electric blankets tested by Stiftung Warentest need almost half an hour to get really warm...
Very good89/100
Rank 4 out of 7TestmagazinVergleichstest - 7 HeizdeckenReleaseFebruary 2023
strong temperature maximum (max: 41.3 °C)
Relatively weak temperature fluctuations (±1.4 °C)
Only 3 heat intensities available
This electric blanket has only one real weakness: there are only three heat intensities, so you cannot adjust the heat very precisely. However, leaving this aside, the quality of the electric blanket is strong through and through: for example, an impressive temperature maximum of 41.3 °C can be mentioned here...