12 baby monitors in the test - Focus on the baby's well-being - via Audio & Video
In 2021, 795,517 children saw the light of day in the Federal Republic of Germany alone - as many as the last time in 1997.1 Even if many parents are constantly devoted to their offspring and want to experience all the essential moments of its development: Infants in particular still need to rest an extraordinary amount - for example, in an age span of 4-6 months, there are a full 14 hours of rest, which are split into many different rest phases. 2 These resting phases are also essential, as in them children process much of what they perceive during waking hours from the world that has finally been opened up to them. 3 After all, the health of the child's mind and body depends on the quantity and quality of rest at this age, also in the subsequent age periods.4 For this very reason, one should refrain from sneaking up on the child during rest and thereby risk inadvertently pulling it out of the rest phase. After all, the well-being and well-being of the child can be controlled in a much smarter way: With a modern baby monitor! This time we were able to take a look at 12 current baby monitors from 7links, Alecto, Babymoov, Philips Avant, reer & truelife - a group of 4 models that allow consumers to control via audio alone, a group of 5 models that allow consumers to control via audio & video and finally a group of 3 models that can be used via app alone.