Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
Eizo EV3285
3840 x 2160 Pixels, 31.50"
The brand does not specify the possible resolutions in PiP mode unfortunately. But with the EIZO software, you should be able to easily manage power consumption, colour, brightness and other settings for a single display or a multi-display configuration. You can find it on the brand's website.
In this case, please contact our customer service directly so that your order can be checked and you can be helped accordingly. https://helpcenter.digitec.ch/hc/de/requests/new
According to the brand information : 1x DisplayPort - DisplayPort 1x HDMI - HDMI 1x USB Type-C - USB Type-C 1x USB Type-C - USB Type-A
Good morning, You ask "Can this monitor be hardware calibrated". Unfortunately, up to this point it never came up because, for me, the monitor is worse than a CHF 200 value. I hope you haven't bought it yet. Nothing against EIZO, but EIZO only from about 4000.- is worth! To the thing, on both sides (left and right) ca 10 cm the monitor is much dun than in the middle. Because had to immediately in the package un retour to Digitec. because only because of opening, I would have to pay unfortunately 20%!!! And not like today "CashBack 300.-".
A GTX760 can display 3840 x 2160 at 60Hz via DisplayPort. Possibly also via HDMI, then possibly only at 30Hz.